Difference Between PAS-24 certified VS PAS-24 compliant

PAS 24 secured by design

When it comes to doors and windows security is quite often one of the highest priorities for both property developers and homeowners. Doors and windows, as we all know, are one of the first lines of defense especially when it comes to potential break-ins. With burglaries on the rise in the UK, it has become crucial that they need to be up to standard in order to protect your property best. With this being in mind, PAS 24 was introduced. Let us take a closer look at what is PAS 24 certificate and what is PAS 24 secured by design.   

What is PAS-24?

PAS also commonly called the Publicly Available Specification is a standard that has been set by an industry to make sure that all the manufacturers present in the industry are making and selling products that reach the industry benchmark needed for high quality. There is one confusion however since the PAS 24-1 was originally published as Product Assessment Specification also called as PAS in short form.

Publicly Available Specifications were initially published as PAS 24 in 2003 however then it evolved into PAS 24-1 in 2007, November. PAS however is now an official acronym for Publicly Available Specification. PAS is also overseen by the British Standards Institution which also manages the settings and distribution of the standards related to PAS.

What Does PAS-24 Certified Mean?

PAS-24 is a test that has been developed by the BSI which manages the entire setting and distribution standards. The PAS 24 framework defines a set of strict performance and security requirements that are used to test and evaluate the windows and doors. A product is considered PAS 24 certified if it successfully completes the specified test. It also ensures that the door and window manufacturers are making and selling products that reach all the set standards according to the industry benchmark quality.

The Certification Process

PAS 24 testing usually goes beyond checking just the individual components such as locks and frames instead it also rigorously evaluates the entire assembly of both doors and windows as a single unit to look at the overall security performance.

In order to get the PAS 24 certificate, the manufacturer needs to submit their products to an independent testing organization such as the United Kingdom Accreditation Service also called UKAS. The people present in this organization will then put both the doors and windows for testing through various conditions to check potential weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the design.

The thorough testing and certification process usually helps manufacturers to improve their products continuously and meet the highest security standards that are set by the industry. It also ensures regular testing to check and re-test the products under similar test conditions and whether the manufacturer has met all the standards even when the retest is done.

During the test the doors and windows are tested to see how long they can hold out intruders from entering the property and if they reduce the draughts and keep the rain or flooding out. The testing also checks for and addresses the potential weaknesses in both door and window design. A few of the tests done could be given as follows:

  • Impact testing
  • Mechanical Loading testing
  • Manipulation testing
  • Manual cutting testing

Benefits of PAS-24 Certificate

When you choose to install windows and doors that have been PAS 24 certified you usually get a lot of benefits that can be provided as below.

1. Durability and performance

PAS 24-certified products are built in such a way that they last and ensure you get an optimal performance along with high weather resistance.

2. Compliance with all the regulations set

In a few cases, PAS 24 certified windows and doors usually need to comply with a set of building regulations especially when it comes to new builds or extensions.

3. Enhanced high level security

PAS 24 base products are rigorously tested to resist any sort of physical attacks, deter any opportunistic burglary, and offer peace of mind.

What Does PAS-24 Compliant Mean?

Compliance with PAS 24 usually indicates that the doors and windows have met all of the minimum set legal requirements for security that are suitable for both commercial dwellings and domestic usage especially when they are exposed to potential risks.

Compliance vs. Certification

It is common for individuals to confuse PAS 24 certified with PAS 24 compliant. Many individuals frequently assume incorrectly that PAS 24 compliance entails prior certification of the product. Being PAS 24 certified is not the same as being PAS 24 compliant, though.

Manufacturers will attempt to build goods based on certain rules in order to comply with PAS 24. They haven’t been adequately tested by UKAS, though, therefore they can’t be PAS 24 certified if they don’t match the requirements.

However, PAS 24-certified devices often receive a formal certification from UKAS stating that they have successfully satisfied all necessary security criteria. 

Risks of Only Being PAS-24 Compliant

Having a PAS 24-certified product can surely help you get quality products in your house. However, a few of the organizations could even give out PAS 24-compliant products which are far different than the certified ones. There could also be risks in installing these compliant products. Here are a few of the risks involved.

Increased insurance premiums

Properties that do not meet with the policies of PAS 24 may face higher insurance premiums due to the increased risk of theft and break-ins. Insurers may also view non-compliant products as a greater liability.

Legal implications

Failing to meet the PAS 24 guidelines can lead to legal consequences for not just developers but also for builders. Non-compliance with building regulations can further add on to penalties, fines, and even criminal charges.

Difficulty while reselling or renting

When a particular property does not meet the standards it is hard to rent or even resell the property as potential buyers may view it as an insecure area. This can also result in a lowering of property values and longer vacancy periods.

What Is PAS-24 Secured by Design?

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to PAS 24 secured by design. They are both accreditations that verify and test that the items fulfill their security requirements, although their criteria are often very different. PAS 24 certification is only granted to items that satisfy rigorous security standards and undergo extensive testing. This certification is meant to confirm the durability of windows and doors, especially in the case of an intruder attack.

Conversely, the UK police are running a police security program called Secured by Design. It is intended to not just improve the security of houses but also the environment such that there is a low level of crime but its main objective is to keep the house owners safe and secure. Products hence need to be certified by PAS 24 first after which they can be considered for Secured by Design.

PAS-24 Certified vs. PAS-24 Compliant: Key Differences

When it comes to PAS 24 certified in comparison with PAS 24 compliant there are quite a few differences, especially with a few aspects which can be provided as follows.

Testing and Validation

Rigorous testing needs to be done with the products so that they get PAS 24 certified. On the other hand, any organization can get PAS 24 compliant without having to undergo testing.

Security Assurance

The security will definitely be much better in a PAS 24 certified as compared to PAS 24-compliant product. Since they have been tested and verified products they tend to have better features.

Consumer Trust

Consumer trust is always on top for a PAS 24 certified product whereas if we talk about PAS 24-compliant products it could be relatively lower. This trust also shows how reliable the product is.

How to Choose Between PAS-24 Certified and PAS-24 Compliant Products

People usually want to choose PAS 24 certified items since the certificate tends to demonstrate how excellent of a product it is, especially when it comes to trust and consumption. Here are several methods for deciding between items that are PAS-24-compliant and certified.

Assessing Your Security Needs

If you wish to get top security for your households then PAS 24 certified products should definitely be one of the options that you need to consider. However, if you already have a few security checks in place then even a PAS 24-compliant product works just fine.

Budget Considerations

The budget for PAS 24 certified and PAS 24 compliant is widely different. If you do not have budget constraints it is better advised to go for PAS 24 certified products on the other hand if you have a few budget issues then PAS 24 compliant could be your go-to solution.

Consulting with Experts

It is surely advised that you can have a better point of view on which products to choose if you contact an expert regarding the same. They will also let you know which product would be the best for your house based on your requirements and personal preferences.


You may select the ideal product for your house by being aware of and making an informed decision between the two PAS-24 certified and compliant product alternatives. You may now select the ideal product for your house since you have a better understanding of some of the methods for doing so. With these PAS-24-compliant and PAS-24-certified items, you may also feel secure about the security of your home.


1. Are PAS-24-compliant products safe for home security?

Yes PAS 24-compliant products are safe for your home security but it does not provide as much security as compared to a PAS 24-certified product.

2. How does a product become PAS-24 certified?

The products such as windows and doors need to undergo certain rigorous testing before they are approved by the UKAS and provided the PAS 24 certificate.

3. Can a product be both PAS-24 certified and compliant?

Yes, a product can definitely be PAS 24 certified and a compliant product. This will be true as long as all the set standards have been followed and the certification tests are conducted.

4. What types of products can be PAS-24 certified?

All types of windows and doors can get a PAS 24 certification.

5. How do I verify if a product is PAS-24 certified?

You can usually ask the manufacturers regarding the PAS 24 certification and they will let you know about the same or you can also consult an expert.

6. Is PAS-24 certification required by building regulations?

Yes, it is of utmost importance that all products do follow the PAS 24 certification according to the building regulation since if they do not then there could be legal implications or even risks to security.

Author Bio

Anant Gajjar, Finepoint Glass Ltd CEO, has over 16 years of experience in the glazing industry as an entrepreneur and a structural engineer. He has completed his Master of Sciences (MSc) in Civil Engineering, Bachelor of Sciences (BSc in Civil Engineering) both in London and in India. Anant has a passion for travelling and creating meaningful connections worldwide.

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